Archives for WEILER / WAGNER - Page 5
Quirky coincidences
Interesting but meaningless (or not???) coincidences discovered in the records on both sides of my family. Do you know of any interesting stories or coincidences? Please email me so I can add them here. The Vespers (on my mother's side) came to America on a ship called the Diana. The Wagners (also on my mother's side) came on a ship called the Eliza Thornton. Elizabeth Vesper married John Wagner, whose great great granddaughter's name was…
[neat photo] Art Hirschhausen and his huntin’ buddies
I came across this photo on Ancestry attached to Arthur Hirschhausen 1893-1984. He was the son of Frederick Vesper's second wife's daughter by her first marriage, so Arthur is only a step cousin, but I just loved this photo of them proudly holding up their turkeys and rabbits from their hunt, and all their dogs and guns. The photo was probably taken in the first half of the 20th century in St. Louis, Missouri. Arthur…
Christian Keller’s hospital bill
I am writing you now to let you know how I am getting along since I returned from my visit with you. On Sept. 22 I had to go to the hospital and Sept. 30 I had to undergo an operation. I was rather surprised for the doctor had not told me beforehand that I would have to have another operation. All I thought was that he would give me some treatments. But all went…
Wagner Boys’ road trip of 1931
This is a fun journal by Russell Wagner (Bill Russell) about the road trip he and his parents and brothers took to Pittsburgh, Akron, Washington DC and Niagra Falls in the summer of 1931. DOWNLOAD "Wagner Boys 1931 Trip" PDF
Bill Russell
Born Russell William Wagner in 1905, William (Bill) Russell was a violinist; an avant-garde composer deeply interested in percussion; accompanist to a touring puppet troupe; a meticulous musical-instrument repairman; a jazz-record producer; an archivist; a writer; and, above all, a New Orleans jazz collector of extraordinary breadth. More than anything else, he simply loved classic New Orleans-style jazz, which he called the “best music I’d ever heard.” He sought out obscure, old-time jazz players and…
Snippets, Anecdotes and Shorts
As I enter data into the family tree, I discover interesting snippets that I extract that would otherwise be buried in the thousands of records. Stories and anecdotes handed down in the family or written up in the local newspaper: One day William Giegerich's father Nick came in his grocery store (in Canton) and told him "You know somebody shot at me this morning." What William didn't tell him was that he'd been cleaning his…
Addie’s Duck
This incident happened at the home of Addie Hanning Weiler when she lived alone in Loveland, OH, after her husband, Rev. William Weiler had passed away. It was the custom of the Paul Weiler family to visit her regularly almost every week. This was to do her weekly grocery shopping and see what else might be needed. Daughter Ophelia had brought to her a cute, small duck which had been given to her children as…
North Side Convergence
I discovered that multiple branches of my tree lived in North Side, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I was born at exactly the same time. They probably were riding on the same trolleys and shopping at the same stores. Earnest Thornton and Helen Strawser, my paternal grandparents, moved to North Side Pittsburgh around 1929 to find work. William Weiler and his daughter Louise Weiler (my maternal grandmother), moved to North Side Pittsburgh in 1927 to pastor a…
Noel Rockmore Interviewed by Bill Russell about his art
Following is an interview between “R - Bill Russell” and “N - Noel Rockmore”, from 1973 R - Bill Russell) One thing here Larry wanted you to discuss pop art. You’ve probably covered that as much as you want to, the contrast with your own work and all. N - Noel Rockmore) I think it’s a complete bore and to be forced to take it seriously as an art movement because of the accreditation given…
Dear Nephew Frank
A letter from William "Old Bill" Wagner to Frank Funkenbusch regarding his journey to America. "Old Bill" William Wagner Frank Funkenbusch Canton, Mo, Feb 22, 1927 Dear Nephew Frank, I think letters Father got from friends in American influenced him somewhat and he also thought he could better himself and family by coming to America as I have frequently heard him express himself so to Mother and others. Father owned a fair sized house…