Tag archives for family history

Research and Biographies

Genealogy is more than just names and dates. It is about your family's story. I can turn your data into narrative and images that tell your story. I've been doing "genealogy" since I was 10, but until I wrote my first biography, it was just thousands people who had no form, no context, no connection, no humanity. Even I glaze over looking at my tree. So I started writing chapters for each of my ancestors…
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North Carolina

A Brief History of Samuel Jackson

Written by Lucille Vernon And Bob Jackson   This is a download I found that has some very good information about Samuel Jackson (Born: 1720-25, Died In 1806 in Stokes Co, North Carolina), married: Catherine Plankinhorn and his descendants Jacob, Curtis, John, Susannah, Joseph, Elizabeth, Jehu, William, Amer, Samuel Jr.  and Ruel. Feel free to download and share. Download the Word file As always, verify everything on your end.
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